Getting Started With The UI


example of the UI

To launch the UI, run the following in a python-tab in your Maya script editor:

import mbControllerLibraryUI


To save a controller, select the controller and hit the “Save Controller”-button. You can supply a name for the controller in the input-field. If this is left blank, the transform-name will be used.

Controllers can have multiple shapeNodes.

Saves the controller to controllerLibraryFile from active tab.


  • Double-click on item in controllerLibrary to load controller.
  • Use the scale slider to control size of created controller.
  • Use the color-buttons to control the color of the controller that will be created.
  • Use the first blank color-button to not color the controller.

Change tabs to switch between controller libraries.

Different controller libraries can be set up by changing settings.


Right-click an item to delete it from controller library


To change settings, modify ./mbControllerLibraryUI_Settings.json Default settings (if settings file doesn’t exist):

  • librarydictPath = ./mbControllerLibraryDict.json
  • useDrawingOverrideColors = False
  • imageConvertPath = ./


For versions < 2016 the UI will color the controllers using drawing overrides as RGB color is not available in earlier versions.